Somethings Fishy Website Design & Development

Wolfenberger & Wolfenberger Digital Agency is pleased to announce that it has been hired by Somethings Fishy to help bring the storefront online and assist in managing social media, marketing, and search engine optimization.

Somethings Fishy is a local fish store that provides fresh and salt water supplies for fish tank and fish keeping. This shop in Fremont, Indiana, supplies stock and related products to local and distant enthusiasts.

Challenge & Solution

The storefront had a loyal customer base, but their online presence was limited to a Facebook page where they posted updates and new stock arrivals. This setup wasn't enough. Enthusiasts often traveled long distances just to visit the store, which meant they were missing out on potential sales from those who couldn’t make the trip. On top of that, their Facebook page was flooded with daily questions about stock and prices, overwhelming the staff and causing delays in responses. Without an ecommerce platform, all sales had to be done in person, making it hard to reach a wider audience and grow the business. The store clearly needed a dedicated team to help them build and manage an online store.

To solve these issues, we took a comprehensive approach. First, we built a user-friendly ecommerce website, making it easy for customers to browse and buy items online. This move significantly expanded their reach beyond just local shoppers. We integrated the website with their inventory management system, ensuring real-time updates on stock availability. This integration helped reduce the flood of questions on their Facebook page since customers could see what was available directly on the website. We also added an FAQ section and automated chatbots to handle common inquiries, freeing up the staff to focus on more important tasks. To boost their online visibility, we implemented targeted marketing campaigns and SEO strategies. This attracted more visitors to the new ecommerce site and turned them into customers. We remained a dedicated team of digital marketing experts, web developers, and customer support specialists to ensure everything ran smoothly. We continue to work closely with the store's staff to tailor the solutions to their needs.

Final Result

The shift to an online storefront made a big difference. Customers from all over can now easily purchase products online, leading to increased sales and a broader market reach. The streamlined inquiry process reduced the workload on the staff, allowing them to focus on other important aspects of the business. Overall, the new e-commerce platform sets the store up for sustained growth and success in the digital age.










MARCH 03, 2024

Let’s Work Together

We are digital agency that helps businesses develop custom, immersive and engaging user experiences.

We are located in
Fort Wayne, Indiana

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+1 260 442 9893